My dear Friends in Christ,
This Gospel from Luke has three distinct parts to it. I would like to focus on what I think is pertinent to our lives. We live in a world where there are so many things clamoring for our attention that it is easy to lose our focus. We are often so preoccupied and anxious about the things of this world that we forget about pursuing the treasure of the next, “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.” We fail to prioritize our activities and forget about our real purpose and the real relationship we should foster each day with God our Father who loves us and “is pleased to give you the Kingdom.” What prevents you from centering your life on God? Jesus tells us that if we don’t stay focused, we will be caught unprepared!
There are a few ways that you can stay focused on Corpus Christi Parish. As we come out of our celebration of our Feast Day and the Year of the Eucharist, you can spread the good news of life in our parish. Take time to invite someone back to Church. Second, please prioritize your support of our parish. The cost of things keeps escalating and our weekly totals stay flat. The pledges to the ACA have also flat-lined as of late. I ask you to pray about increasing your support of our parish in our efforts to build up the Body of Christ.
May God bless you all,
Father John