My dear friends in Christ,
How do you expect the Lord Jesus to treat you when you ask for his help? Do you approach with fear and doubt, or with faith and confidence? Jesus never turned anyone aside who approached him with sincerity and trust. And whatever Jesus did, he did well. He demonstrated both the beauty and goodness of God in His actions. Every day we see people who act in unexpectedly kind and generous ways. Their surprising actions help us to keep hope alive.
As the new school year begins, there will be opportunities for our young people and their families to grow. The children will face the challenges of a new grade, classroom and teacher. They will have new subject material. They will make new friends and learn to get along. We wish everyone at PJP II Regional School a very happy and blessed return.
Don’t forget to register your children in our Religious Education program. You may also have friends or neighbors with children in need of formation. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly invitation to generate the spirit that brings a family back to Church. It is my hope that we promote that spirit here at Corpus Christi Parish. I would also like to welcome Bonnie Campbell, our new Coordinator of Religious Education. Bonnie, her assistant, Judy, and the Catechists are ready to help your children grow in faith and be closer to God. See the bulletin article for details.
Finally, please stop by our Ministry Fair today. We are in desperate need of help with our cleaning ministry on Tuesday mornings. Please consider signing up for that if your time permits.
May God bless you all!
Father John