My dear friends in Christ,
When you look around the church today, can you identify the weary? Who are the ones that are exhausted, worn-out, and burnt-out? Why are they weary? Sure, the demands of everyday life–work and family–can wear us out, but who are the ones whose spirits need healing because they have been so beaten down and discouraged? What will you say to rouse them? How can your words–and your delivery of those words–raise them up? As we enter Holy Week, let us be mindful of the opportunity we have to meet people’s needs right now, and not just remember the historical events of the past. People in our midst are hurting and feeling abandoned right now, and our well-trained tongues have something to offer them. Don’t put people down, rouse them and raise them up in praise!
At our Cohort #1 meeting last week, we were able to resolve several issues that we have been working on since this process began. We have decided on a name for our Cohort! And the winner is: “The Burlington Pike Catholic Community.” We are also exploring ways to collaborate in the use of services provided by our respective vendors. We are making a strong effort in putting together a vibrant youth ministry for the three parishes. If anyone here at Corpus Christi is interested in getting involved in this joint effort, please see me before or after Mass. There are many events and activities being planned so please let your children and teens know that this will be getting off the ground very soon.
On behalf of Father Lennon, Father Lagura, Deacon Mike, Sister Robert, Sister Paula and staff, may you all have a very blessed Holy Week.
May God bless you all!