My dear Friends in Christ,
Our readings today encourage us to make our relationship with God first in all we do. The First Reading recounts how a woman provided hospitality to Elisha and was rewarded for her generosity. The Psalm reminds us that all of the good things in our lives come from God. And in the Gospel Jesus tells us that we must stop clinging to our own self-interests in order to follow Him. It is very difficult in our “busyness” to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Jesus emphasizes that this is what we must do even if it means putting Him above our families. He challenges us to prioritize. Jesus acknowledges that making a total commitment to Him may result in conflict and division within families. He tells his disciples to love Him and be steadfast in faith. Finally, Jesus tells his disciples and us that we must take up our cross and follow Him even if it means bearing the burdens and hardships in doing so. By doing this we show the hospitality necessary to receive others in His name and caring until the end when we will be reunited with Him and receive our reward in His heavenly kingdom.
We will hold a meeting for those interested in being a part of the praesidium of the Legion of Mary here at Corpus Christi on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM in Bogdan Hall. Brother Steve Higgins from the Comitium will be here to facilitate the meeting. We hope to have a nice turnout on that day.
May God bless you all,
Father John