In today’s Gospel from Luke, we hear of the familiar message from Jesus to strive to enter through the narrow gate. Our Journey as disciples of Jesus is not always easy, nor is it one that everyone follows. The challenges that we face are ones the Lord will help us endure, pointing us to the narrow gate and keeping us on the road when we ask for His help. It will take great sacrifice for us to enter the narrow gate. We must place the needs of others before our own needs. We must look at the world through a lens of compassion and sacrifice. This way of life is demanding and difficult, but it is also how we grow in our understanding of God. This is where we grow in recognizing the love of God. Pope Francis provides pastoral insight into how we are called to act amid the challenges we face as Christians. He cites the example of creation. Pope Francis invites us to consider how we can act in a way that ensures we are properly caring for God’s creation. When we keep this concern in focus, we align ourselves in a particular way with the narrow entrance to the Kingdom. The gate to the Kingdom is narrow but the opportunity is there in Jesus Christ.
The RCIA program will begin soon. If you know anyone who would like to become Catholic or who needs Sacraments, please call the Rectory or see the bulletin for more details.
The Annual Catholic Appeal is winding down for this year. If you have not made a pledge and would like to, pledge cards are available at the entrances to the Church.