My dear Friends in Christ,
We often hear the question? " What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus "We know what we should do but yet we have our doubts. Jeremiah had his doubts and he lays out his feelings by questioning everything as he is caught up in his whirlwind of emotions. Jeremiah’s honesty is clear as he proclaims God’s message while facing backlash. For Jeremiah, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. This prophesying is tough. He’s trying to tell himself that even though he feels like the end, he can’t quit. He’s like a volcano ready to erupt. Despite his turmoil, he can’t hold back God’s message. Even though he is conflicted, he struggles with his personal tug of war between his feelings and his mission. Being a disciple and following God’s path is not always a “walk in the park”. Jeremiah’s struggle shows that faith isn’t always smooth sailing. It's about pushing through when you’ve reached your boiling point. Jeremiah's story can be a reality check for us. It’s not always going to be easy. It’s not all tied up with a bow, but it’s real. It’s all right to struggle with doubts while staying true to your calling. Like Jeremiah, we can’t bottle up the fires within us. A journey of faith can be difficult. But if you continue on that journey of faith toward discipleship, the rewards will be great in his eternal kingdom.
We wish all students returning to school a happy, healthy, and spirit filled year!
May God bless you all,
Father John