My dear friends in Christ,
We often talk about the “doubting Thomas”, a story we are all too familiar with. Today we encounter the painstakingly “honest Thomas,” the one who simply says: “We don’t know.” How refreshingly unlike us! We often have real problems in admitting that we don’t know something. And that is because we want to do things our way and not Jesus’ way or the Church’s way. “It’s my way, my truth, my life!” And the more that we hide the fact that we don’t know it all, the more defensive we become, the more we pretend to know what we really don’t and the more we try to control things as a smokescreen for our ignorance. The more we insist on doing things my way, the more we risk committing the deep sin of leading people away from Jesus and the Father instead of toward them. It’s ok to know less and be less controlling and work together to find out how to build up God’s kingdom. Working together in collaboration helps build relationships and forms the Christian community that we are a part of.
Congratulations to Deacon Jim Ayrer on his 25th anniversary as a Deacon. His Anniversary date was May 9th. We will celebrate Deacon Jim’s milestone on May 28th at the 9:30am mass. A light reception will follow in Bogdan Hall.
And finally, Happy Mother’s Day!! May the blessing of the Divine Lord be upon Mothers everywhere on your blessed day!
May God bless you all!
Fr. John