My dear friends in Christ,
What a comfort knowing our voice is known and listened to by our Good Shepherd. Our worship and fellowship has come to a screeching halt. In these weeks of isolation, the better question may be how well we know our Shepherd’s voice. Hopefully we have found avenues to redirect our talents for the good of our community. We need to stay within the flock and be good followers. As we have heard over the past weeks, “we are all in this together.” No matter where our Shepherd takes us, we should not be afraid to follow. The terrain has been very rough, but as promised, greener pastures will follow. We need to let these trying times renew our spirits to follow and lead with compassion and goodness.
Easter envelopes continue to trickle in and I am ever so grateful for those of you who continue to send in your weekly envelopes as well. Even though we are not together, we still have bills to pay for the daily expenses of our parish. And even though we are not equipped with Wifi in the Church to do a livestream, I hope you are attentive to the weekly reflections/ homily that we provide. I would like to thank Ron Maniglia for his efforts in making that happen each week.
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and that your Mass intentions are being offered each day as I celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
May God bless you all,
Father John