My dear friends in Christ,
As we continue to journey our way through these uncertain times amidst the continuous changes due to the COVID-19 Pandemic , we must stay strong in faith and pray always. The Holy Spirit will guide us and direct us through difficult times and in making difficult decisions. Saint Paul tells the Romans that the Spirit comes to our aid and intercedes for us even when our thoughts and words fail. Our Psalm tells us that God’s mercy abounds and God does wondrous deeds. Forgiveness is ours. In the first parable of today’s Gospel, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a sower. This sower’s hopes for the crop are potentially disrupted by another who appears to sabotage the field, but the sower is patient, slow to anger. The sower promotes harmony and entrusts the harvesters to make the distinction between the weeds and the wheat, thus deciding what their fate will be. The Good is separated from the evil and the bad will be thrown into the fire. We are called to be good seeds bearing much fruit.
Questions have been raised about Funerals in Church. There are no visitations allowed in Church at this time. Visitations will take place at the Funeral Home. The Pall which covers the casket is not to be used at this time. We will continue to hold the Funeral Mass in Church under the directives set forth by the Diocese of Trenton within the framework of the Governor’s executive order regarding limits on indoor gatherings and social distancing. Face Masks must be worn.
May God bless you all,
Father John