My dear friends in Christ,
There is no greater love than to give up one’s life for others. Jesus proved what He meant by His own life and death. He insists that love of God and love of people are one and inseparable. It is perhaps easy to love an unseen God but it is often very difficult for us to love people whose weakness we see, people who are cranky and rough and unreliable. But if we cannot love these people, we really do not love God. Jesus, who is God’s love alive, can give us His own endless, reliable love.
We must allow God’s love to manifest itself here at Corpus Christi Parish. We must strive to be a loving parish family, sharing our time, talent, and treasure in Christian stewardship. It has been said in different meetings that the parishes along the Delaware River are “dead parishes.” This is very hurtful language to so many who have invested a lifetime here at Corpus Christi Church. It is up to you and me to prove that we should not be lumped in with talk about what constitutes a dead parish. I certainly feel that this parish has come alive in my two years here. The one thing I have noticed and spoken about is the passion and drive of the faithful of this parish community to come together and worship and praise our Lord each week. A parish is what we make of it together. We will continue to strive to be a vibrant parish and, with your help, we will achieve that goal! Will you help me?
May God bless you all!
Father John