My dear Friends in Christ,
The readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time focus on a conversion of heart. We are encouraged to overcome sinfulness and to go beyond merely following the letter of the law and to truly love. We are to support each other along the path to holiness and help each other overcome our sinfulness. How do we go about addressing conflicts and sins within our community? How do we convert sinners? How do we help those who are in need of conversion? How do we encourage each other to examine our hearts and overcome wrongdoing? How do we help those who seek reconciliation? Jesus’ instructions about approaching a brother who has sinned mirror the principles of confession and reconciliation within the Church. This theme reflects the sacramental aspect of seeking forgiveness and restoring one’s relationship with God and the community. This Gospel of Matthew talks about dealing with someone’s wrongdoing. Jesus says to first discuss the matter privately. If that doesn't work, involve others to help resolve the issue. If it’s still not resolved, seek guidance from the Church. This advice is like confessing and making things right in the Church. The message is about asking for forgiveness and fixing relationships with God and the community. This is where we come in to help our families and others to go to confession. By doing this, we help foster unity, healing, and growth within the Christian community. It starts with us. We should take the time to examine our hearts, examine our conscience, and take the opportunity to go to confession. It will make us all feel better.
May God bless you all,
Father John