My dear friends in Christ,
The Gospel story begins with a wealthy man running eagerly to Jesus and kneeling before Him in humility and submission. However, when Jesus asked the wealthy man to give up that which stood between him and full discipleship, the man was unable to do so. He went away very sad. What must we do to be a true disciple of Christ? We must be willing to give up everything to gain our ultimate reward, eternal life in His heavenly kingdom.
If you did not purchase your tickets for our Oktoberfest Dinner Dance, this is the final weekend to do so before the event. If tickets remain, they will be sold at the door. Hopefully, they will all be sold before next weekend. Also, if you have not yet returned your Super 50/50 tickets, this would be a good time to do so. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and it helps us in our efforts to stay viable and current with our bills and developmental efforts.
This Monday night, October 15th, Corpus Christi Parish will host a Taize Prayer Service at 7:30 PM in Church for victims of abuse and for the sanctification of our Bishops and Priests. This event is sponsored by the Trenton Chapter of NPM and will run concurrently in all 4 counties that make up the Diocese of Trenton.
It was brought to my attention that a suspicious individual was wandering our hallways last Sunday. Now that our Religious Education and RCIA Programs are in full swing, we must be vigilant in securing our building. If you see something, say something!
May God bless you all!
Father John