My dear friends in Christ,
Today we celebrate The Epiphany of Our Lord. We hear the Gospel words of future hope calling us to see the guiding star of the Spirit in our lives. Let us take time for a well deserved rest, to pray, and to reflect on the spiritual journey that begins in this New Year. Like the Magi, we may need to chart a new path on our quest for deeper spiritual meaning for our lives. Is there an “Epiphany” or opening of your eyes to a new reality that will help renew your spirit? Is God calling you to remove the shackles that bind you, the hurdles that cause you to stumble and fall, or the feelings of inadequacy or fear that keep you from moving into a new way of being? As the Magi made the courageous decision to follow the star, may we begin this New Year with a renewed trust in the light of Christ’s guidance.
Speaking of broadening horizons in 2018, would you consider serving as a minister at Corpus Christi? We need Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers, Cantors, Choir Members and Musicians, RCIA Team Members, Catechists for our great Religious Education Program. Why not give of your time and talent in this New Year? If interested, please see Deacon Mike or myself or call the office and we will get back to you. Always remember, this is your Parish, get involved!
And finally, thank you to all for your generous Christmas gifts and well wishes. I truly appreciate them. Our Christmas collection will appear in a future bulletin once all the returns are in.
May God bless you all!
Father John