My dear friends in Christ,
Last week we were faced with heavy winds, driving rains, and a constant howling from the skies as a tornado like storm ripped through our area leaving behind fallen trees and power lines. The corner of Charleston Road and Levitt Parkway looked like a scene from a movie. Utility poles, trees, and wires all making the street impassible. The only thing we could do was to take a lesson from Elijah in our First Reading. Like Elijah, I’d like to hide in my cave from the heavy wind, earthquakes and fires that exist outside my door. But then, how will I hear God’s voice? How will I work within the community that God had entrusted to me? Jesus tells us to take courage so that we can continue the work we have been called to do, no matter how challenging and unpredictable it has become. And so we pray: Lord, save me! I can’t do this on my own. Give me courage to keep my eyes on you amidst the storm, give me strength to continue to move forward despite the challenges, give me faith to believe the storm will eventually subside.
We are currently looking for a skilled Facilities/ Maintenance Manager. Candidate should be able to display strong problem solving and decision-making skills with a solid understanding of building maintenance, repairs, refurbishments and cleaning. You must be able to read manuals and have knowledge of health and safety regulations and practices. You must also possess manual dexterity and physical stamina. Please submit a resume to: [email protected] or see Father John after Mass.
May God bless you all,
Father John