My dear friends in Christ,
Behold the Lord will come! John the Baptist knows that God is preparing something very great, something for which He is to be the instrument; and He himself points in the directions that the Holy Spirit shows Him. We know much more now about what it was that God had in mind for humanity. We know about Christ and His Church because we have sacred Scripture and the sacraments. We have hope for the salvation of our souls because the doctrine of salvation has been perfectly marked out for us. We know that the happiness and salvation of all mankind depend on Jesus. John the Baptist knew of the Christ and he knew that he had to preach a message of repentance. He called for a change of heart among the wealthy and those who exacted injustice instead of justice upon the ordinary people. We are to be witnesses and precursors. We have to bear witness and at the same time show others the way. Our responsibility is great! Why? Because to be a disciple of Christ, we must live our lives according to His doctrine and be willing to help “prepare the way of the Lord!”
The Feast of The Immaculate Conception has been moved to Monday, December 9, 2019. Because of the move, IT IS NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. We will celebrate Mass in honor of Our Lady at 8:00 AM.
Some Football Christianity: Quarterback Sneak — People sneaking into the Church just behind the Priest. I see this one a lot!
May God bless you all,
Father John