My dear Friends in Christ,
The Readings for this Sunday are about persistence in prayer. In the First Reading Moses becomes tired in prayer and Aaron and Hur support him. The Psalm declares “Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” In the Second Reading Paul tells us to be persistent in proclaiming the Word of God. In the Gospel Jesus tells the parable of the Persistent Widow, who kept bothering the judge until he heard her. Jesus tells us that sometimes we have to wait. That doesn’t mean giving up. But we must be persistent. Like the widow who is waiting for a just judgment from the corrupt judge, we must wait for the day when we live in the Kingdom of God. That day will come, but we must trust in God.
We continue to move forward with the Annual Catholic Appeal. The third letter is scheduled to be received in homes this week. I thank those who have already made a pledge and encourage participation for those who have not. Your generosity is needed in supporting the many ministries of the Diocese of Trenton to provide the resources necessary to help our brothers and sisters know and love God through you (statement from Bishop’s letter)! Our Parish goal is $50,000. To date $28,082 was pledged or 56% of goal.
Tickets are now on sale after Masses for the “In Thanksgiving Buffet Dinner” on November 12,2022 in Bogdan Hall. Don’t miss this chance to come together for the first time since the Pandemic. Have a great week!
May God bless you all,
Father John