My dear friends in Christ,
We try to be an inviting and welcoming parish community. We know that in the Old Testament, God was very inviting. God extended many invitations to feasts (Isaiah 25:6-12) as the feast of life to come. We feasted on manna in the wilderness and ate bread and fish with thousands of people on the hillside and we come to know Jesus in the “bread come down from heaven” as we continue with the Bread of Life Discourse in the Gospel. Jesus invites us to the Lord’s Table in the sacrament of Holy Communion to receive His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Here we get our strength for life’s journey. He also invites us, the ignorant and foolish, to the feast of wisdom in the Book of Proverbs. Wisdom is often pictured as a wise woman. Our responsorial psalm (Psalm34) has many settings, but they all have the same meaning as we pray: “Lord, we taste and see your goodness. Be with us, strengthen us, and bless us always!”
We thank Sister Virginia for being with us last week. Through your generosity, Corpus Christi Parish is able to present a check for $3,031.00 as part of the Annual Mission Appeal.
Our regular collection will take a hit as we have back to back weeks where the 2nd collection goes for other needs. I make this point because after having consulted with our parish auditor, we are projecting a $60,000 to $80,000 loss this year. We have brought the debt down somewhat but we are still operating at a deficit. Please pray for me and for our parish.
May God bless you all!
Father John