My dear friends in Christ,
Quick! Be still! With these words, Jesus calmed the storm that was threatening the Apostles as their boats were being tossed about and filled with water. It must have been a fierce storm since it frightened these men, many of whom were fishermen and made their living on the sea. They were afraid enough to wake Jesus, who was asleep in the boat. They needed Him to be present to them in their panic and fear. Jesus can calm the worst storms in our lives as well. As we begin to emerge from the intense storm of the pandemic, there is a renewed sense of hope and promise in our lives. It has tested our faith, and many were challenged by anxiety and even depression. How wonderful that Jesus can calm all those storms. He is there for us with His peace if we just turn our fears over to Him. Just as He quieted the winds and silenced the waves, He can bring comfort to us. If we let Jesus into our hearts, our fears will be calmed and our faith will grow stronger.
It was so nice to see old faces (and new) returning to Mass in the Church last weekend. This Pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. It is vitally important that we pray for its end and continue to exercise reasonable care to do whatever we can to bring that end about in our communities.
We thank Sister Alice Vandenoever, M.M. of the Maryknoll Missions for being with us last weekend. Through your generosity, Corpus Christi Parish will present a check in excess of two thousand dollars for her missionary work and for those in need.
May God bless you all,
Father John