My dear friends in Christ,
The last line in today’s Gospel reads: “For behold, some are last who will be the first, and some are first who will be the last.” We must always remember that even the snail made it on to Noah’s ark! There is a lesson in humility to be learned here. We try so often to be the first one on the block to have a new car, the newest electronic device, or the newest product introduced. Some spend much time and energy always trying to get ahead in the workplace by stepping on or over anyone who stands in their way. This mentality leads to a false sense of superiority over others. The Jews felt that they would be first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and the Gentiles may be excluded. Jesus reminds them and us that when our judgment day comes, we will all be on equal footing. We are not in a race against each other. Remember the snail!
ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL UPDATE: Year to date, $27,661.35 has been pledged and $24,320.07 has been collected toward our Corpus Christi Parish goal of $55,000 for the Appeal. If you have already made a pledge or gift and sent in a remittance, I thank you. If you have not yet made a pledge or gift and would like to help us reach our goal, pledge cards are available in the Sacristy. Keep in mind that when we reach our goal, a portion of the amount received is given back to our Parish.
The Knights of Columbus still have some tickets remaining for the Eagles/Dallas package. They will be selling them after all Masses this weekend. GO! EAGLES!
May God bless you all!
Father John