My dear friends in Christ,
It’s so easy to judge others. We feel empowered and superior … for the moment. God in His infinite wisdom, will give us the lesson of humility over and over, painfully at times, until we learn. He wants us to be accepting of others while turning inward to take an honest look at ourselves. Pride versus humility. What a personal battle! How do we refrain from judging others? It is so difficult in these times especially when we see what is happening in The Church. It is especially hard when we see the list of names published by the Bishops in the State of New Jersey in the wake of the Pennsylvania probe of 2018. How do we become more patient, understanding, and loving? How do we change the temperament and demeanor of the members of our parish and The Church at large given these findings? Our faith has been shaken to the very core of its foundations. Our mission now becomes to be examples of God’s love and acceptance. The damage has been done and we must pray for the victims of sexual abuse of minors and for their families and aid in any way that we can for their healing and for ours as well.
Wednesday, March 6th, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Season of Lent in The Church. Distribution of Ashes will be at three Masses on that day, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 7:00 PM.
Be sure to join us for Soup and Bread Suppers followed by Stations of The Cross on March 8, 15, 22, and 29. May God bless you all!
Father John