My dear friends in Christ,
Jesus had been teaching His followers about the privilege of being a disciple and now He did something radical for His day — He taught a woman. When Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to the words of her master, Martha criticized her for neglecting to help her to provide hospitality for their guest. Jesus reminded Martha that she was too anxious about things of little importance. The one thing that should concern her was “to seek God’s kingdom before all else.” Mary freely chose to be Jesus’ disciple, and she would not be deprived of the opportunity. Her service to others would flow from her single-hearted devotion to the Lord. How willing are we to be true disciples? Are we willing to be good listeners like Mary was and to then go out and build up God’s kingdom?
Please refer to the bulletin announcements regarding our upcoming Religious Education and RCIA programs which will begin in September. We could use help with these programs. Will you help build up God’s kingdom in our parish by assisting as a Religious Education teacher or by becoming a member of the RCIA to help with instruction? If you are interested, please call the Rectory and leave your contact info so that we can pass it along to the Religious Education and RCIA Directors.
Renee, our Music Director, is looking for new members to be a part of the Bell Choir. No experience necessary, just a willingness to learn the bells and provide beautiful music to build up our liturgical experience in our liturgies. More details forthcoming.
May God bless you all!
Father John