My dear friends in Christ,
How often do we aspire to mountaintop experiences like Peter, James, and John in our search for excellence and success? It is unrealistic to expect spiritual highs all the time. We tend to do this and put our overall faith experience at risk. We strive to put our best foot forward, but we must be realistic to expect that we are not always going to be successful and perfect every time out. Faith has its ebbs and flows, so we are reminded of the highs and low moments of discipleship in an earlier verse, Luke 9:23: “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Our Baptismal call to service can be a struggle, but we can trust that God is with us in both mountaintop highs and desert lows.
Next weekend is Pledge Sunday for the Annual Catholic Appeal throughout the Diocese of Trenton. Each year the Bishop seeks the support of all of the members of the diocese to further the work of our ministries. Each of us has a vital part in all we do in Christ’s name, and each of us can share in all we do with a gift to the ACA. This year, Corpus Christi’s share of the goal is $55,000. This is lower than in past years as we have not come close to meeting our goal. It would be nice to meet our goal so that we can get the rebate from the diocese. Next week, I will detail where your money is going and what it is being used for. I am always grateful and moved by the level of support you give to our parish.
SAVE THE DATE!!! Father Vince Gartland, the Certified Optimist, will be here for our Parish Mission and Evening of Recollection on Friday, April 5th at 7:00 PM in Church. Father will help you “Prepare Yourself For Holy Week.”
May God bless you all!
Father John