My dear friends in Christ,
We see a familiar theme in the readings this week: people are in need of healing, of mercy, of salvation, and the Lord comes to their aid. Our Faith tells us that the Lord responds to those in need. The message focuses on our reaction to His generosity. God appreciates gratitude and as we see throughout these readings wants only the gift of ourselves in return. How long has it been since someone has gone out of their way for us to make us feel valued? How long has it been since we have gone out of our way for someone? In any case, it gives us a feeling of delight and gratitude. Was a seed planted in you? As the recipient of someone’s generosity, were you inspired to do the same? Do you have the same reaction when you recognize a gift from God?
Our Religious Education Program is in need of Catechists for the fourth and fifth grades. Please see the article in this bulletin for details.
Please mark Saturday, December 7, 2019 on your calendar. This is the night of our Christmas Dinner Dance. The Super 50/50 drawing will take place at the dinner. These tickets will be mailed shortly. More details will follow in next week’s bulletin. This is our big fund raiser for the year and we rely heavily on your generosity. Please consider purchasing the entire book and returning it to the Rectory office or dropping it in the Sunday collection basket. We will have plenty of extra tickets for sale.
Tickets for our Christmas Dinner Dance are on sale now!
May God bless you all!
Father John