My dear friends in Christ,
As a youngster growing up at the Jersey Shore, I used to go crabbing and fishing with my grandfather. I was a typical kid, all excited for about an hour and then wanting to go home because the fish weren’t biting. Then my grandfather pulled the crab pot up and the catch was plentiful. There were enough crabs caught throughout the morning to allow my grandmother to make the sauce for the macaroni. After awhile, my grandfather did catch a fish. That was all he needed to make his day! In the same way that “Pop” caught that fish, we are called to go into the vastness of the world to be “fishers of men,” catching and leading them to sing the praises with the angels, worshiping our Lord with, “Holy, Holy, Holy!” Continue to pray for vocations.
Today we celebrate World Marriage day. Congratulations to all married couples, especially those who are celebrating silver or gold anniversaries. “Ad Multos Annos!” And many years!
Parish Council Update: The Evangelization Team will host a Sunday Morning Social February 24 after all Masses. The Music Ministry will host Soup & Stations with a Soup Supper on Fridays, March 8, 15, 22, 29, followed by Stations of The Cross. Our Parish Fish Fry Dinner will be Saturday, March 30, 2019 immediately after the 4:00 PM Mass until 8:00 PM.
Many slots are available for the Sanctuary Candle, Altar Flowers, and Mass requests for your loved one. Please call the Rectory for more information.
Pitchers and Catchers report in 6 days!!!
May God bless you all!
Father John