My dear friends in Christ,
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be a part of the Church? St. Peter in the Second Reading today provides us with a beautiful, inspiring, and challenging definition. “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. As the Easter Season continues, Christians everywhere rejoice that the risen Christ has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.” We have certainly been living in a period of darkness during this Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting shutdown and shelter in place order in our state. We have not been together for quite some time, and yet we are called to move toward the light. We exercise our royal priesthood as a community of believers when we share our faith with others, inviting them to become part of God’s chosen race. This faith we share is one that follows Jesus who is The Way, and The Truth, and The Life. It assures us that neither His story nor ours will end in death. As we come out of this terrible scourge, the grays and browns are being replaced by greens and the subtle shades of other colors that tell us that light is replacing darkness. Life is replacing death. We are a royal priesthood, initiated by our Baptism, called out of the darkness to share our faith. May God’s grace be upon us as we move toward the light at the end of the tunnel.
A big thank you to all who continue to send in or drop off your envelopes, and to those who utilize the on-line giving option on our website.
Happy Mother’s Day!
May God bless you all,
Father John